Thursday, July 31, 2014

AUG 1 ANGEL METATRON INITIAL ref. to "ANGEL IN THE WHIRLWIND" WHO ? Cite article Close How to cite the 'Metatron'-article (standard style): "Metatron." Encyclopedia Mythica from Encyclopedia Mythica Online. [Accessed July 31, 2014].cocoon_Herschel's Cocoon Credit: ESA, SPIRE & PACS Consortia, Doris Arzoumanian (CEA Saclay), et al.herschelPIA14038 We also see the resurgence of a quasi-polytheistic view of the divine order recast in monotheistic terms. Now instead of having minor gods with specific spheres of power, lists of angels appear, all subordinate to God, but each designated with their sphere of authority (3 Enoch). This is accompanied by a proliferation of named angels. For the first time we hear of Uriel, Raphael, Peniel, Metatron, and many, many others (I Enoch, Tobit, IV Ezra). There also an increasing awareness of an affinity between angels and mortals. It seems that the boundary between human and angelic states is permeable. Elaborating on cryptic passages found in the Bible (Gen. 5:24; II Kings 2:11), it is taught that exceptional mortals, such as Enoch, may be elevated to angelic status (I Enoch). August 19
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Herschel's Cocoon 
Credit: ESASPIRE & PACS Consortia, Doris Arzoumanian (CEA Saclay), et al.
Explanation: In this remarkable infrared skyscape of interstellar clouds adrift in the high flying constellation Cygnus, the eye is drawn to the Cocoon Nebula. Also known as IC5146, the dusty star forming region is shown in blue hues in the Herschel Space Observatory false color image, at wavelengths more than 100 times longer than visible red light. And while visible light images show the Cocoon nebula at the end of long dark nebula Barnard 168, Hershel's infrared view finds the cosmic Cocoon punctuating a trail of filamentary clouds of glowing dust. The filaments have widths that suggest they are formed as shockwaves from exploding stars travel through the medium, sweeping up and compressing the interstellar dust and gas. Herschel data also indicate stars are forming along the dusty filaments. The Cocoon Nebula itself is about 15 light-years wide and 4,000 light-years away.

Tomorrow's picture: stereo vista

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"The Fiery Angel"
Enoch transformed to Metatron

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