Thursday, August 28, 2014

Spiritual Gates and Gate Keepers; Dr. Russ Moyer

Spiritual Gates and Gate Keepers

I believe that one of the important now revelations for 2011, that the Lord had me share on New Year’s Eve had to do with spiritual gates and gate keepers and watchmen.  The Lord said that He is going to be storming the gates in 2011.  Spiritual gates are portals and entry and exit ways into cities, nations, people groups and denominations, and even to the seven mountains of society, those areas of influence such as education, government, business, media, entertainment, etc. 

Gates can be individuals, places such as cities, a point of entry, a point of importance, a point of impact, and/or a point or place of contention.  Spiritual battles rage at the gate.  The gates of old were a place of assembly (Proverbs 1:21).  They were also a place where the law was read and of proclamation in Nehemiah 8:1-3 and 2 Chronicles 32:6.  Gates were a place where the priests and prophets delivered their discourses and prophesies (Isaiah 29:21).  Criminals were punished outside of the gates.  Being positions and places of great importance, gates were carefully guarded and closed at night (Deuteronomy 3:4Joshua 2:5-7). 

It's important that we understand gates, gatekeepers, and watchman, and their differences and purposes.  The Bible says that for a lack of knowledge the people are destroyed. There is a battle today that is being raged, especially at the gates.  Some gateway cities are Ellis Island/New York, Niagara/Fort Erie, Ottawa and Washington DC, as capitals and gateways to the nations and political arenas.  Gateways to entertainment are Hollywood, Nashville, and Niagara Falls.  The aboriginal people, whether it’s the First Nations or the Inuit, can certainly serve as gatekeepers to a nation or an area.  Wall Street and Bay Street are places of influence and gateways into the financial and economic community. 

God is trying to put together divine appointments, godly alliances, and golden connections.  He is trying to give us strategy – divine strategy of how, when, where and who.  We need spiritual discernment.  The spiritual leaders of this generation, I believe, will be anointed like the sons of Issachar, who are going to need discernment and not just wisdom, but spiritual understanding to know God’s purpose for us and our generation. (In 1 Chronicles 12:32 the Bible says, "of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their command." )

These gates had purpose and meaning.  As in the natural, they can allow or prevent entry and flow.  They can confine, shut down, and control spiritual activity and traffic.  In Isaiah chapter 60 the Lord talks about the church rising up, taking dominion and authority, facilitating the harvest, and in verse 11 you can see in the midst of the harvest the gates are open continually, so that the harvest can come in:  Therefore your gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day or night, that men may bring to you the wealth of the Gentiles, and their kings in procession. Hallelujah!

Gates are a place of worship, Psalm 110:4 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise.Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.  They are a place of warfare, Genesis 22:17 Blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies. Just as the Lord told us in spiritual warfare to bind the strong man and then raid his house (Matthew 12:29), we need to win the battle at the gates in order to take the land.

Types of Gates:

  • Gates of our enemies (Gen. 22:12)
  • Gates of those that hate you (Gen. 24:60).
  • Gates of heaven (Gen. 28:17)
  • Gates of righteousness (Ps. 118:19)
  • Gates of hell (Matt. 16:18)
  • Gates to the soul (Lk. 22:3) Satan, entering Judas; suggest the presence of an entrance, that is a door or gate.
  • Gates to our heart (Rev. 3:20), Jesus is knocking at the gate of your heart. Will you open for him to come in?

They are one of the people who stand at the gates, who do I find at the gates?

  • The elders
  • People of commerce
  • People doing business
Watchmen and spiritual warriors who understand how to contend.

I hope this gives you some spiritual insight, so that in 2011, we can recognize the gates.  If we are called to be gatekeepers and watchmen on the wall, if we are called to intercede and to provide protection, we need to know why and what for.  We need to know who we are looking for.  When I go into a nation or into a people group, I know that there are a number of different ways to go in, but the Lord showed me in a couple of revelations when he launched me into ministry that He wanted me to look into the gatekeepers, the people with spiritual influence and authority.

Certainly there will be times when I am called to minister to the kings, the leaders, the dignitaries, but first I need access to the gates and relationship with the gatekeepers.  There is a right way in for the sent ones.  I want to be the one that is sent, not the one who just shows up.  I want to know the Way Maker even better this year.  He can make a way where this is no way.  Our gift can make a place for us.  By our calling, we will be properly positioned.  We need to know who we are and what we are called to do.  If we learn to work together, to cooperate in a spirit of unity, each doing our job, fulfilling our role, answering the call, then the victory is ours.
God Bless you,
Dr. Russ Moyer