The myths of Metatron are extremely complicated, and at least two separate versions exist. The first version states he came into being when God created the world, and immediately assumed his many responsibilities. The second claims that he was first a human named Enoch, a pious, good man who had ascended to Heaven a few times, and eventually was transformed into a fiery angel. Some later books adopt the first version, some the second, and in other literature both are combined. There are even two versions of the name Metatron, one spelled with seven letters, the other with six, lacking the Hebrew letter "yod." The Kabbalists explained that the six-letter name represents the Enoch-related Metatron, while the seven-letter name refers to the primordial Metatron. Despite the elaborate debate, the origin of Metatron's name is not clear.
further reference to as in the manner in which this angel is described or possibly "the description of the transformation of this angel"
- Brewer's Book of Myth and Legend.
Cooper, J.J. (editor)
Helicon Publishing, Oxford: 1993
ISBN: 0304340847
- "Angels." Encyclopedia Mythica from Encyclopedia Mythica Online.
[Accessed July 31, 2014].
- below album cover from 1991
Prokofiev: The Fiery Angel
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